Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I just figured out an added bonus re: posting pics on here. Cause when I don't have time to write about anything, I can just do this. SO much easier :-)
I thought this was pretty hot.

and this was pretty funny.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Ron posted that last blog himself. All of it is true, but it's a bit gay, dontchathink. I am allowing myself to keep it though, because that guy is my heart, and THE most supportive person in my life. ever. Whatever dude I end up with has madd competition. I love you, Ron!! 

my heart.

Thanks Ron Douglas!

Ron fixed my Blog. I love him and he loves me. We also do awesome photoshoots together!
Please visit his website and say hello!

Website:Ron Douglas

just fuckin amazing.

I fully admit that I stole both of these photos from Janina Marie Flohn's blog. That bitch has some amazing photos up. I just wanna know where the FUCK she finds them!

I'd also like to point out that, yes, I am fully aware that one of these photos is G-rated while the other is about to go XXX. It actually makes me want to put them in two separate blogs but um, I can get my fix in one.

Disney Princess fashionistas!! <3

really don't like titles.

Well then. I’m beginning to realize how difficult it is to keep two separate blogs. You see, I have another blog that I use specifically for my Dad’s cancer thing- reflections, thoughts, feelings… updates on his progress, that whole bit.

Then I have this thing and, well. Sigh. It’s just hard to separate the two in my head is what I’m saying. But I’ll try, for now. Eventually I might just end up merging those entries with this one. Shrug.

Ummmm, oh yeah, SO, I just started “blogging” again, right. So all the old habits I used to struggle with are coming back! Like right there, I was about to get all personal. Like “did ____ today,” and “feel ___ way about ___ person” NO! Stop that, Erin!! There will be no “getting super personal” on a public blog. That has kicked me in the ass before! This is why I keep regular journals too (and my poems stay in there). GAWD.

I did take a bunch of pictures of old pictures with my digital cam today.  There will be some pretty old skool shit posted on the FB soon. Of course, my parent’s computer is ghetto so it won’t even read the damn thing. Yet another thing I’ll be lugging with me on the drive from NYC to Buffalo (my laptop).

Sometimes I feel that my closings aren’t elegant enough, or just don’t have an ending at all. Oh well fuck it.

Monday, December 27, 2010


Just went through and copied all my old entires from LiveJournal and posted them on here with the correct date. Woulda been a fuck of a lot easier if I just continued to use the LJ altogether... but, I dunno, it's been SO long since I've posted on there, I am such a different person.. I felt it more appropriate to just start on a fresh slate. 

Omg! Or, I could have just posted a new entry with a quick lil link to my LJ page and been done with it. Maybe I still do have some of that joint I smoked a few hours ago in me. haha. 

I forgot how fuckin good it feels to type on one of these things. I still like to write in my lil journal thing, but this is oh so much quicker. 

I'm so glad I'm getting back into writing. It was hard at first but, once you start writing, one thought brings on a whole new thought which makes me want to write more and more pieces. Nice. 

Maybe I'll post some of my old poems on here too. Shrug. We'll see. That shit's way personal.



That's like deleting straight documents of your life, your mind, your brain, your head. whatthefuckamiretarded. that I think of it.. I think I did print some entries out and put them in one of my journals. I sooo hope it's the right entries!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

dream XL

I had a dream that I was recruited by the FBI. No, really. First I went to see this dude I went to college with in Boston (real life). He was doing stand-up comedy or something. Then I went... somewhere else. You know how dreams are. I couldn’t tell exactly what it was, but it seemed like it was a bookstore or library or something. I was pretty much by myself for most of this dream. There were no other significant figures in the sense of close friends or boyfriends or whathaveyou.

I’m in the bookstore/library and all of a sudden people are hiding in clumps. Like, a bunch of people against walls all clumped together. Apparently the FBI was coming. It was more of a recruitment thing though, like, they weren’t invading the building to arrest or kill anyone, but really just to check it out and see if there was anyone they were interested in. Apparently, that’s how they always did it. But, no one wanted to be recruited. That’s why everyone was hiding. For some reason, no one wanted to be in the FBI; they feared it or something.

I saw one person start running to the stairwell. They seemed to be pretty successful at their escape so far, so I decided to follow them. I got into the stairwell and started running down, but someone yelled my name and said that the FBI wanted to talk to me. I was like “fuck.” But I had no choice.

Next thing I know, I’m in this FBI meeting. Tons of people are there, like all of the FBI. Two older, conservative-looking women have taken me under their wing, for some reason. Maybe they were the ones that recruited me. A lot of people tried talking to me, they thought I was really cool or something (ha!). There actually were a good number of non-conservative looking fellas. Dudes with tattoos, hoodies, etc. So I guess it was a good mix.

Everything got quiet all of a sudden, and the “head FBI dude” got on the podium to speak. He was a tall, black man with really long dreadlocks. I think he had some gold jewelry on too. He actually looked a lot like the singer of Bad Brains. So he talked for a while and did acknowledge my presence. This whole time, by the way, I am still unsure as to whether I really want to be an FBI agent, but I guess I don’t have a choice about going to this meeting. Or maybe I am curious to know more. Or maybe just being polite. All of the above are very characteristic of me.

After the lecture I’m just roaming around and head FBI dude wants to talk to me. He’s all about me too! All these people are so pro-me-being-an-FBI-agent. And I’m just as confused in my dream as I am about this dream. So I’m walking around, trying to find this motherfucker’s office. There’s people everywhere, just lounging around and chit-chatting with each other. Remember, this is generally not a super-conservative atmosphere. This area in particular looks like more of a basement. So there’s these girls sitting around and I ask them where head FBI dude’s office is, and they’re catty as fuck. Hmm, jealous much? Can’t say I blame them. These chicks have been FBI agents for ___ years and there’s me, this dumb broad that isn’t really sure if she wants to be one, but everyone is all about me- and the head of the FBI department is calling me into his office to formally introduce himself!

So I go in his office and, just like everyone else, he’s all about me as a person and as an FBI agent.

So that’s that. I don’t know if I did decide to become an FBI agent or not, but apparently, they thought I’d be really fucking good at it. Kind-of reminds me of one of those superheroes that don’t know they’re superheroes, and they’re trying like hell to convince people that they got the wrong guy.

REFLECTIONS:  So my head is in 2903802938 places right now. I’ll have to get back to you on that. Hint: I believe there’s some pretty awesome meaning hidden deep in this guy.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

cute xmas stuff

My cousin Chris is 17 (18?) but is moderately retarded, so he will always have the mind of an 8 year old. He is my favoritest, and I am his favoritest cousin <3 He's obsessed with superheroes. He drew me this picture of him turning into Superman. Go, Chris, go!!!
Suuuuch a cute lil' card that kid made for Roswell. We search for the cutest & put them on my Dad's door. This dude is adorable. If you can read it.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


My girl, Sarah Mascara, and her lovely husband introduced me to this amazing stuff at Wegmans a few years back. Highly recommended while stoned with a sliced baguette and/or crackers.