Monday, May 30, 2011

Ode to Genesis (not a religious reference)

Genesis. Like so many other classic rock bands, I grew up listening to these guys. My parents even went to a Genesis concert for their first date- I believe it was the Trick of the Tail tour (or was it Lamb Lies Down on Broadway? I'll have to ask my Mom about that one) :-D

For the record, I am way, way, way  bigger a fan of early Genesis...but these late-era Genesis songs are undeniably fabulous as well.

And, well goodness gracious, the I Can't Dance video? I remember my Mom, sisters, and I imitating their super cheesy dance moves. Yeah, that's right. We rocked it. LOVE!!

The Genesis era I'm really all-the-fuck about, despite the videos that follow below (circa '73?)



I find this picture really sexy in a fucked-up, not-really-sexual-at-all way. Also, the source of this photo says that it is Black Flag, but I'm having a difficult time recognizing anyone. If anyone can confirm or deny said third source information, comment please!


Saturday, May 28, 2011

boy crazy bullshit

You know, I'm really not happy with the way my crushes on English musicians have been turning out. About a year ago, I decided to make it my mission to make Matthew Bellamy fall in love with me and end up my, ermmm.. second or third husband. Then I find out he's dating that classy bitch, Kate Hudson, and I'm like, okay, this sucks, but I can deal with it. Let them have their fun. Then I find out that they're having a baby together. So then I'm like, well, this blows too- but mainly because I never imagined my future husband to have a baby with another girl. Then they got engaged, and, sigh, okay, fine, I'll give up on that mission. He's not hot anyway (that's right, I actually care about people's personalities more than looks people, I'm not as shallow as you might think)!

But let's go way back to my first crazy crush of an English musician- Damon Albarn. Love this man. Just love, love, love this man. I've had a crush on this cutie patootie since I was introduced to Blur when I was just a sad, pathetic, angry teenage wrist cutter (okay, that part I equally blame on hormones and Billy Corgan's depressing, angsty, "fuck the world" lyrics of The Smashing Pumpkins fame). I'm not even really a huge fan of Gorillaz- I just love Damon for who he is. See!?- true love. Now, if only I could break up him and his artsy little girlfriend, Suzi Winstanley, life would be grand. 

Too bad they have a little one too, named Missy Violet (I know, how cute is that). Also too bad that Missy isn't really little at all- in fact, she's 11 years old.

Fuck. Okay, who's the next best English pop rock front man I can snag? And don't say Jarvis Cocker, the singer of Pulp- he's totally not my style. Too nerdy, rugged, "intellectual" looking. I want a hot Brit with a sexy accent. Oh- an Aussie boy is acceptable too :-) 

 Yes, I posted this video. You know the song. You loved it, you couldn't get enough of it, then you were so sick of it being played repeatedly on the radio. Fuck it. I love this song and Damon looks hot as all hell <3  


Thursday, May 26, 2011

My friend says that you could easily make these with glue, a broken mirror, and a pair of black stilettos. 

Well, I'm too lazy to try. But I encourage you to! My birthday? JUNE 10- it's coming up! ;-D

Also, I have an amazing idea for a blog entry later. I am determined to write it tonight! Crossing fingers. It has been too long.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Kittens & Tiaras--> COLOR ME NOW!

Inspired by my last post, Kittens & Tiaras, look what I found!! A fantastic clip art drawing of a kitten princess with a tiara on her head! Look at those sparkling eyes. Print it! Color it! Have fun with it! <3 <3 xoxo

Kittens & Tiaras

One day there lived a beautiful boy and a beautiful girl. The boy was a prince and they were childhood sweethearts.

They grew & they married & lived in an enchanting castle surrounded with glittering butterflies, lollipop trees, cotton candy, and teeny tiny little kittens. 

And then, one day, the prince cheated on her. 

The kittens & the princess were very angry & they rebeled. 

They lit the castle in firecrackers and flames

And roasted marshmallows as it burnt to the ground with her diamond-encrusted tiara intact. 

And she laughed and the kittens meowed 

As the tears streamed down her face.

the time bugs (a war between the hours of the day)

Fucking social networking sites. They drive me crazy. They're so goddamn addicting! Talk about a waste of time. 

Do you ever stop and think about how much time one wastes during the course of a day? It's too bad there isn't a device that records wasted energy, the way we can wear pedometers to tell how many steps we've walked throughout the day. I bet that if we were to invent said "pedometer for wasted time" the hours wasted (yes, hours) would be astronomically high. 

Although I hate video games and I try not to watch too much television- mainly because I'm aware that they're both such mega time wasters- I definitely can say that I waste way too much time on social networking sites. And for what reason? I find myself lurking on people's pages that I've never met- and honestly could care less about starting a relationship with. I spend 20 minutes looking through an old classmate's photos just for the sake of sheer curiosity.

I'm not trying to say that social networking sites don't have any advantages- indeed, they have many. However, it would be a complete lie to say that there weren't disadvantages as well. Have you ever thought about how impersonal we have become? We no longer need to directly communicate with each other- instead we rely on e-mails and text messaging. Rather than getting to know one another the old fashioned way, we just read the information provided on their facebook site. We google them. We read the comments on their networking page and their own responses to them. We form opinions, whether we admit it or not. We pre-judge.

What an effing waste. I should really start documenting how much time I spend on networking sites per day, but let's be serious here- that would fail just as quickly as my attempt at keeping a food diary. 

The bottom line, kiddies, is to remain aware of how often you use said evil time wasters. Every once in a while, check yourself- if  you realize that you haven't taken that piss you needed to take hours ago and your kidneys are beginning to hurt, it's probably time to take a little breather. After all, this is life. It'd be silly to waste it playing Super Mario Brothers all day long.

Roll credits. Play song.

"Half of the time we're gone, but we don't know where, we don't know where" 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Eat Dream Love

Eat it. Dream it. LOVE it. 

This post's limited word usage is acceptable due to the photo content. 


Thursday, May 19, 2011

a winter-esque entry in MAY (thank you, rainy weather)

Today is stupid. 
Rainy days are getting to me, as shitty weather always does.

You know, the ol' Seasonal Affective Disorder thing (even though it's supposed to be MAY right now)? I never have formed a full opinion on that matter. Having a degree in Psychology, I am aware that every day we seem to be discovering more and more new mental illnesses, and I think it's getting a bit silly- we're becoming too obsessed with this psychology bullshit and are WAY too quick to overdiagnose / overmedicate the majority of the human population. Of course we would find a mental illness in everyone if we dug down and deep inside their soul.

At the same time, I am also the first to say that __________ disorder exists. Example: Adult OCD can definitely be a serious illness that can potentially take over someone's life. Same goes for ADD in adults. So I'm not saying that everyone's said diagnosis is bullshit- many people do indeed have a legitimate mental disorder (I don't know if it's the water, the air, both, or none). Being that I've spent many, many hours employed in various psychiatric units, I can tell you with confidence- yes, they can exist. Yes, they can cause mass destruction to one's life. I've seen it firsthand. I know!

However, I can also honestly say that I'm not sure how I feel about this whole Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD- how cute are those initials, btw) thing. As animals, isn't it natural that we feel less sociable and gain weight in the winter? It's like our way of hibernating- though we don't actually hibernate like animals, there is no denying that we do develop hibernate-like tendencies in the wintertime.

As humans, I don't think we're supposed to have the same amount of energy in the winter as we do in the summer. It's in our nature to be lazy during the winter- to sleep more and eat fattening, carb-rich foods- the human version of hibernation. And then we step on the scale, see that we're gaining weight and naturally, we get depressed about it. DUH.

I'm just not sure if I buy this whole Seasonal Affective Disorder thing and apparently, neither does the entire field of Psychology, since it's not listed in the current edition of Psychology's bible, the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). I wish it were a real illness, as I could definitely benefit for treatment from it. But honestly, I just think that it's an "evolution" thing. As a solution, maybe we need to accept that we just can't be as sociable and energetic in the winter.  Or, another solution: move to California (which is my plan). 

The OBVIOUS symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder, per (and highly dramatic, if I might add)

Monday, May 16, 2011

love tragedy romance

Back in the day I was a music connoisseur. Well, okay, I still am, it's just that I am interested in becoming a connoisseur in 230820382039 other things as well. Let's just say that one of the first professions I ever wanted was to be a singer. I pictured myself rocking out in red sequins- evening gowns, leotards, whatever, as long as it had my staple red sequins all over it!

Then the world corrupted me and society told me "hey, it's impossible to have such a glamorous career! Go for something realistic, like a doctor or a nurse." And away went my dreams of becoming a singer. 

Since I was stupid enough to listen to said societal pressures, I did the next best thing- go to school for music business. That seemed reasonable, didn't it? 

Well, I ended up dropping out of school after about two years (what can I say? I was an angry, rebellious punk rock chick that hated school and anything authority related). But I was introduced to a lot- including the following song that I first heard in Music History class with the teacher that told me at the end of the semester, "you are a camaro with four flat tires!!" (I humored him by chiming in, "in the garage with a sheet over it.. right!?!?")

Dido and Aeneas. Dido's Lament. Love tragedy romance <3 <3 <3 Kind-of your typical opera theme, but whatever- this song is beautiful. I've always fantasized about this being my suicide song (but don't worry- I don't plan to check out anytime soon. It's just fantasy. Imagination! It's healthy, remember?) 

PS- Janet Baker effing rules

(I wonder when  my roommates are going to stomp into my room and yell at me for playing this song on repeat 23890232 times).

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bondage is fucking hot.

Barbie dolls. I fucking love them, despite how "un-PC" they are. After all, I am a fucking girly girl and always have been. Shit, I probably was attempting to manicure my nails when I was still inside my mother's womb.  As a child, I would try to get my sisters to play "house" and "office" with me. Unfortunately, both of my sisters were way more interested in going outside to play kickball with the boys next door. So that left a lot of time for me to play in my head. And along came the Barbies. I'll admit, I definitely played with my barbie dolls until an age that was probably considered totally inappropriate. But whatever, I turned out fine (I think). 
One of the great things about Barbie is that they never, ever fail to come up with new Barbie themes. In recent years, they've expanded their ideas even more, coming out with Renaissance Faire, Syndey Opera House, and Classic TV Barbie. So, I was pretty excited when I came across the limited edition "shoe fetish / dominatrix" barbie doll by the one and only Christian Louboutin. Check out that pvc outfit she's wearing! 

Surprisingly, these chicas are still readily available all over the internet- just check out amazon, where you can pick one up brand new for $189, or ebay, where they are currently starting at $162.

I notice that, while I initially created this blog for my own writing pleasure, I have posted way more random bullshit (i.e., photos, videos, etc.) than I have actual writing. I know I'm taking the easy way out- It's a fuck of a lot easier to post a quirky/sexy/obscene photo for one's visual pleasure and not have to say anything about it. The photo speaks for itself. However, I'm trying to get out of the habit of doing that. I mean, sure, not every single video, photo, etc., needs to have three paragraphs written about it. But the whole point of this blog was for people to get even the slightest glimpse of the inside of  my head (and trust me, there's a LOT going on in there). 

So, yeah, in the future, I am making a promise to myself to actually write more. Lord knows I need to let out even a smidgen of the thoughts that go on in my head. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Lip tattoos.

Life's Essentials

Guilty Pleasures

You know, as much as this blog may portray me as a promiscuous, super sexual kinda chick, I'm actually a closet romantic. So there! I said it. I definitely fantasize about my wedding whenever I hear this song. But how could you not!? I mean, really- who doesn't like this song? <3

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The first of what will probably end up being many postings of vintage beauty ads. I am, and always have been, sort-of obsessed with the old school marketing techniques.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Of course I had a crush on Zach Morris in high school (yes, high school, I got introduced to Saved By The Bell a bit late), but I was too enthralled with his dreamy eyes and crazy hairstyle to think about how he is, in a teenage boy's way, mildly creepy.
Psst- #4 is my favorite!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Could this get anymore cliche?!? GAWD, how I want to press that fuckin' button,  just before dashing out the store with my bottle of Andre pink bubble. @ Delancey Street Liquors.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

In honor of all the Momma's out there

Don't you love the things Momma's say? The things they teach you, the little quirks and comments they have? 

I think the "beauty advice" of all the Momma's out there is especially amazing (although I'll always try to figure out what makes Mom's PB & J's so much better than my own, no matter how hard I try to perfect the PB to J chemistry). 

My Mom was, and still is, always a tomboy. She hates shopping, dressing up, lipstick, and high heels. She lives for camping, bird watching, and, well, anything with tomboy essence that steered from girliness, really (where the hell I came from, I'll never know).

Needless to say, Mom didn't teach me much about beauty.


My #1 tip to all yall: WEAR SUNSCREEN EVERY DAY. 

Do you have any idea how important it is to ensure that you wear a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen every day, rain or shine? Also, did you know that WINDOWS do not protect you from the sun's rays- so, you're not pulling a one up on anyone but yourself by reading that intellectual piece of literature you just bought on the windowsill all day. 

Also, did you know that wearing sunscreen is one of the main ways to prevent aging (in addition to NOT SMOKING and drinking lots of water). 

Betcha didn't (or maybe you did). 

Stop being a bitch- go out and buy sunscreen. Buy a separate one for your face, which'll likely contain more "happy face" ingredients and will be less irritating (it'll prolly smell better, too!) 

It is, after all, already May. And we're certainly not getting any older. But, each day you go out without sunscreen you can think about that tinyyyy little crow's foot that's ever so slowly beginning to appear near your left eye.. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Nick Cave, you are so... sigh. I'll get back to you on that.

Found this badass pic (which I swore I saw in a punk 'zine when I was 15, and probably did) on a new site I recently discovered, Enjoy Your Style. This fuckin' killer site is all about, as the title states, enjoying your style. Discovering who you are and expressing it in the clothes you wear. Because, after all, don't the majority of us (depending on who's reading this blog) blindly grab the first outfit that pops out to us when we open the closet, our first thoughts being merely "does it match," followed by "is it clean?"

When you really think about it, why don't more of us put more thought into the way we dress? Why wouldn't all of us make a point to dress the way we want to dress, a reflection of ourselves, our personality and traits. I used to LOVE playing dress-up as a kid. Well, ain't no reason to stop now. 

You "lack inspiration," you say? This site is PERFECT for that. It is FILLED with oodles of inspiration, whether it be fashion icons, artists, punk rockers, or deadbeats. It also has a section for different subcultures- AND a "fashion dictionary," for us less educated fashion folk.

Oh, PS- It's also a really cool site to look at, even if you don't give a fuck about fashion!