Thursday, March 17, 2016

Midori Spring Culinary Grade Matcha Green Tea! A Review :)

I've written about tea before- mostly (or all) about matcha green tea, because, up until recently, I was more of a coffee drinker. Now, I am proud to say that I only drink coffee maybe once a week, on average. Yay! While I did go through some awful caffeine withdrawal (those headaches were awful!), I feel so much better now and I drink at least 1 cup of green tea per day.

I'm also trying to get back into smoothies, which I used to make a lot. Now that the weather is finally warming up, I'm more apt to throw a bunch of stuff in a blender with ice to create a thick, cool drink. Plus, its so much fun!

I've always been a fan of matcha green tea because its pretty much the most potent of potent teas. So, we know green tea is pretty amazing (like all tea is) and takes the crown for "most beneficial tea" as far as antioxidants and all that stuff goes. However, matcha tea takes it all up a notch.

The only problem with matcha tea? It's better. Pretty darn bitter, actually. So, I really wouldn't recommend drinking this stuff on its own and without any sweetener.. however, its just lovely with some milk and honey, orrrrr.... as part of a smoothie! I've been mixing a heaping teaspoon of my Midori Spring matcha powder with some vanilla protein powder, almond milk, ice, and a few drops of my vanilla stevia sweetener (you can also use raw honey a different sweet, healthier option). I love the way it has turned out and it's perfect to give me a natural boost of energy.

I'm excited to mix this stuff up in other items. Matcha tea also works great in baking as well. I have a friend that used to make matcha green tea cookies and they were delicious! So, I'm excited to try all these things.

I love that Midori Springs matcha is GMO free and USDA organic. These sorts of things mean a lot to me. However, I much prefer my matcha tea in a container, rather than a plastic bag. The bag claims that it is resealable, yet I've had to close it with a clip of my own since the first time I opened it. In addition, its just more messy when its in a bag like this, as you have to, you know, get your hand in their more. That's really the only change I'd make about this stuff. And, lucky for them, it looks like they make their matcha green tea in a plastic container option as well (though it is a little more expensive).

I'm definitely going to try to incorporate matcha green tea into my diet more often. I'm actually really excited to have an ice cold matcha green tea smoothie on the hot summer days that will be upon us before we can imagine!

If you're looking to try Midori Springs eco-grade matcha powder, you can purchase the 3.5 ounce bag that I tried here on amazon for $22.99. And, I'd love to hear your guys thoughts on matcha tea! Like it, don't like it? Have any secret recipes you'd like to share with us? Share your knowledge, you awesome people!!!