Monday, February 2, 2015

Another Different Kinda Review- For You Health Professionals- A Review of Two of Santamedical's Adult Sphygmomanometers

I don't think I will ever, ever be able to know how to spell this.. here's me just gunning it.. sphygonometer. Sphyg-o-nom-a-ter. Sphyg-o-na-meter. And it sounds like s-fig-o-nom-et-er. Ugh.

Let's look up the actual spelling (as listed in the subject, because, come on I HAD TO): sphygmomanometer. Holy crap, I was missing an entire syllable.

For those who work in the healthcare profession, I'd be really disappointed if you didn't know what one of these were (unless you worked in admin or something).

For those who don't.. you're probably like... "a sphy-gone-a-WHAT." Exactly. I still do that sometimes.

A... yeah, that.. is essential to take people's blood pressures. And, you know, we need our blood to pump efficiently in order to live. And we need to know if they're off- like, super low or super high. So, medical professionals use these bad boys, in conjunction with a stethoscope- to make sure that the blood pressure is where it should be (or not.. either way, we use these two tools as an essential part to find out what one's blood pressure is). So, of course I was down to receive another sphygomomanometer. Christ, say that three times fast.

 I was actually pretty impressed with this... tool (I'm just gonna call it the "tool" from now on). It was a sleek, black color and actually came in it's own little black nylon carrying case.. very helpful, since these things sorta contain lots of- pieces-- so, it tends to get tangled up if you just throw it in a bag. I've used some awful- tools- in my life. They don't pump up well, the reading seems way off, etc. etc. Happy to say that this pumps up easily, deflates easily, and seems very accurate.

For a basic sphygomomanometer, this is great. I mean, how fancy can you get? It's accurate and easy to use, and the nylon case is a big plus. You can purchase Santa Medical's sphygomomanometer here on amazon for just $18.95.

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