Friday, January 2, 2015

More Retinol Madness: Reviews of Body Merry and InstaNatural Retinol Cream PLUS InstaNatural's Retinol Serum

You guys must know how much I love my retinol by now. After all, no- and I mean, NO- other ingredient has proven to be as effective and results-oriented as retinol has consistently proven since the 1950s.

Retinol, a vitamin A derivative, does pretty much everything, from evening up skin tone to providing a fresh glow, to filling in fine lines and firming up skin. It even helps prevent blemishes. So, it's really quite beneficial, in one way or form, to everyone. There are sooooo many types and strengths of retinol out there, from serums and ointments to moisturizers. There are over the counter retinols and there are stronger, prescription strength retinols. My, oh my, the choices we have.

The only downfill with retinol is that it can initially be irritating to skin. This is why many dermatologists will recommend that new retinol users initially apply the product every other day. Some may say (and I agree) that using retinols at night is best, since the body can absorb it better, but also because retinol makes the skin more susceptible to sun damage. This is why it's so important to use a good sunscreen on top of your retinol.

Two of my favorite skincare lines, Body Merry and Instanatural, sent me their own bottles of retinol cream, which I'm about to review. In addition, Instanatural sent me a bottle of their own 2.5% retinol serum. So, what are we waiting for!? It's playtime!

Let's start with Body Merry's lovely retinol surge moisturizer. Since retinol can be drying and irritating, Body Merry decided to mix it with some yummy stuff and make it a moisturizer. Very clever, if I do say so myself.

What they say:

MAXIMUM STRENGTH RETINOL: Body Merry's Retinol Surge Moisturizer contains 2.5% Retinol, which has time and again proven itself to be a potent youth reviving ingredient. This unique formulation is specially designed for you to be able to get the most out of this wonder ingredient, without suffering from any dryness or irritation that is typically associated with the use of Retinol.

NATURAL + ORGANIC: The cream also contains Plant Derived Hyaluronic Acid, which nourishes and hydrates your skin. Wildcrafted Green Tea, Organic Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E, Vitamin B5 and Shea Butter add their goodness to create a formula that is potent and proven to show results.

ANTI-AGING + MUCH MORE: This moisturizer not only effectively addresses wrinkles, fine lines, age spots and other signs of aging, but also helps to provide a flawless tone and texture by working its charm on discoloration, acne and other marks, hyperpigmentation and sun damage. Both men and women can use this moisturizer, and it is designed to work well for all skin types.

MADE IN USA + CRUELTY FREE + NO HARSH CHEMICALS: The moisturizer is made in the USA in an FDA registered and GMP compliant facility. It is not tested on animals. The formula does not contain any harsh chemicals such as Parabens, Sulphates or Phthalates.

Here's Body Merry's directions for the retinol moisturizer:

Apply on your face and neck after cleansing and toning. If using a serum, apply the serum prior to the moisturizer. Can be used under makeup. For normal to oily skin, use morning and night. For dry or sensitive skin, use only at night. Apply sunscreen if stepping out in the sun. If you are a first time Retinol user, apply once every other night until your skin is ready to use it daily. For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. If skin sensitivity occurs or if you suspect an allergic reaction, stop use and consult your doctor. 

I like that they distinguish directions between oily and normal skin. This really does make all the difference- since retinol is drying, if you have dry skin, this will likely irritate your skin even more. I also like that they instruct you to wear sunscreen, since it is oh so important.


Organic Aloe Vera, Organic Sunflower Oil, Palm Oil, Pentylene Glycol, Phospholipids, Retinol, Polysorbate 20, Potassium Phosphate, Tocopheryl (Vitamin E), Plant Derived Hyaluronic Acid, Glyceryl Stearate, Cetyl Alcohol, Stearic Acid, Kosher Vegetable Glycerin, Organic Jojoba Oil, Wildcrafted Green Tea, Wildcrafted Propolis, Shea Butter, Panthenol (Vitamin B5), Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexyl Glycerin, Xanthan Gum, Citric Acid.

The nitty gritty:

From the first time I used this stuff, I noticed a difference in my skin. At first I didn't even make the connection that I used a different product, but after glancing in the mirror while at dinner with my boyfriend, noticed that my skin looked brighter and had an awesome glow. Even my boyfriend noticed it! I fell in love. The scent is amazing, like every Body Merry product I have tried. The texture is great too- at first, it feels like it's going to be heavy. But, once applied, it absorbs very quickly and feels very light.

As far as ingredients go, I can't complain. This bottle of beauty has a fairly short ingredients list, most of which are pretty great. The first ingredient is aloe vera- not water, like most products contain, followed by sunflower oil and palm oil. It even has hyaluronic acid in it! The shea butter, coupled with the numerous oils, help to rehydrate the skin. 

Down with this stuff to the 9's. You can purchase a decent sized 3.4 oz bottle for $22.99 on amazon.

So, can Instanatural compete? Uh, I think so. Everything I have tried by both of these companies has been pretty amazing (okay, except for Instanaturals' cellulite cream, which I just reviewed a few days ago).

Here's what they have to say about their own retinol cream:

InstaNatural’s Retinol Moisturizer contains a robust formula of handpicked ingredients designed to transform older, damaged skin into a healthier and youthful appearance. Retinol is a powerful antioxidant derived from Vitamin A, one of the strongest and most trusted ingredients for anti-aging skin care. Once absorbed, Retinol is converted into Retinoic Acid, which starts working to help restore skin and diminish the appearance of sun damage and signs of aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, hyperpigmentation, rough texture, and more.

Vitamin C – another powerful antioxidant – works synergistically to aid in this process of battling early signs of aging, as well as repairing existing damage to promote healthier skin.

Simultaneously, Hyaluronic Acid, Jojoba Oil, Shea Butter and Green Tea deliver premium nourishment and hydration to keep your skin moisturized. This intensive moisturizing cream is the perfect addition to your regimen to restore and renew firmness, elasticity and thickness of the skin for a flawless and radiant complexion.

"Robust." Goddamn, I love that word.

Ingredients.. let it be known that I had to get their full ingredients via a request on their amazon page. The moisturizer's webpage doesn't list the full ingredients, but does say they are available upon request... you know how much this irks me, but at least I got the full ingredients list.


Organic Aloe Vera, Organic Sunflower Oil, Retinol, Palm Oil, Glyceryl Stearate, Cetyl Alcohol, Stearic Acid, Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate), Botanical Hyaluronic Acid, Organic Jojoba Oil, Kosher Vegetable Glycerin, Shea Butter, Wildcrafted Green Tea, Wildcrafted Propolis, Vitamin E (d-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate), Vitamin B5 (Panthenol), Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexyl Glycerin, Xanthan Gum, Citric Acid.

These ingredients are super similar to Body Merry's version, with aloe being the first ingredient. They also both contain hyaluronic acid, green tea, shea butter, and various oils to rehydrate.

However, there is one difference- the retinol is higher up on the list for this version- by three ingredients, in fact. Essentially, this means that Instanaturals' moisturizer contains more retinol than Body Merry's- which is interesting, since they each state that they contain 2.5% retinol.

The nitty gritty:

You know that glow that I was talking about after applying Body Merry's retinol moisturizer? It wasn't quite as prominent with this one. However, that doesn't mean that it isn't working- indeed, it might just take more time to notice the uber awesome results I'm expecting. This product also smells amazing and the texture is also lightweight once applied. They're basically twins!

You can purchase Instanaturals' retinol moisturizer on amazon for $23.75 for a 3.4 oz bottle- the same size- and virtually the same price- as Body Merry's version!

And now, last but not least.... Instanatural's retinol serum

A lot of people don't understand the difference between moisturizers and serums. If anything, they think that it's just a matter of preference- which it can be. Serums are, of course, thinner and absorb very quickly- so quickly and so much, that you may forget that you ever applied anything in the first place (the exception to this rule is if you apply too much serum, which can leave your face feeling a bit sticky). However, serums are also more concentrated than moisturizers. Think of them as medicine for your skin, full of potent ingredients and yummy stuff.

Just wanted to clarify that, in case some people didn't understand why the eff the same company would come out with their own retinol serum and moisturizer. Well, that pretty much explains it.

Now, we already discussed the benefits of retinol. Here's what Instanatural has to say about their own serum:

InstaNatural’s Age-Defying Retinol Serum contains a proprietary blend of antioxidants and nutrients that nourishes your skin to help it look younger and healthier. Retinol (Vitamin A) protects against free-radical damage and is highly effective in reversing the appearance of sun damage and signs of aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and more. Vitamin C works in tandem to aid in repairing damaged skin, while Hyaluronic Acid traps moisture to prevent further loss so you can enjoy a more youthful appearance with firmer, plumper skin.

Sounds delicious. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the full list of ingredients for this one.. no words. So, here's an annoying picture I had to snag of their ingredients list:

Uh.. okay, hard to read. I'm seeing various oils, though.. vitamin c, aloe vera.. the first ingredient is sandalwood, which is totally unique.. there's also hyaluronic acid, salicyclic acid, witch hazel, green tea, geranium oil, and MSM.. I think those are all of the magical ingredients that pop out at me.

WHICH IS A PRETTY AWESOME INGREDIENTS LIST! The sandalwood has astringent properties, preventing future blemishes and even fighting current breakouts. Just comparing this ingredients list to their moisturizer indicates that this is product is more potent. The combination of hydrating ingredients (oils, hyaluronic acid, aloe), coupled with "blemish fighting" ingredients (witch hazel, salicylic acid, retinol, geranium, sandalwood) tells me that they're really trying to create a product that lives up to its potential.

Try as it may, this stuff is pretty great. I didn't experience any irritation, but I never have with any Instanatural product. After using this product twice daily under a moisturizer, I did notice a brighter complexion. Since I (thankfully) have very little hyperpigmentation, I can't really say what it does for sun spots. However, I can tell you that I love this product.

You can purchase Instanatural's retinol serum for $23.75 on amazon. Even though its a much smaller bottle, 1 oz, I can assure that its going to last you a very long time- and, for the record, this is the standard size for a bottle of serum. In conclusion....

As I mentioned at the beginning of this blog entry, I love both of these companies, and not because they give me lots of fun stuff to review. Nearly everything I have used by both of these lines really stands out, in a good way. Both lines are affordable, results oriented, and have a short ingredients list full of potent, natural ingredients that really work. I highly encourage everyone to support both of these companies. You won't regret it.


  1. Does anyone have any good treatments for acne? I've tried everything, even ProActiv. It worked, until after a couple months, I guess my skin got use to it or something.
    Retinol face cream

  2. Is my reaction to anti-aging retinol cream normal?

  3. The Wrinkles and the skin droopiness are characteristic and can be managed once you know how to pick the correct skin sort item. One of the way outs is to believe the surveys done by the famous dermatologists and open figures, who have resisted the maturing signs themselves. The Best Anti Aging Face Cream

  4. Thanks for your reviews of these! I'm going to try one of the retinol creams.

    For accuracy's sake, I just wanted to point out that this statement isn't quite right:

    >there is one difference- the retinol is higher up on the list for this version- by three ingredients, in fact. Essentially, this means that Instanaturals' moisturizer contains more retinol than Body Merry's- which is interesting, since they each state that they contain 2.5% retinol.

    The fact that retinol is higher on one list than the other does not necessarily mean there is a greater percentage of retinol in that formulation. Both creams can still absolutely be 2.5% retinol -- it just means that the proportions of the other ingredients differ between then.

    (As a super simple example: I might have two baskets of fruit. One has 15 apples, 10 oranges, 4 kiwis, and 1 lemon. The other one has 10 oranges, 8 apples, 7 kiwis, and 5 lemons. If you list the ingredients in each basket in order by abundance, oranges will appear second in one list and first in the other list, even though both baskets consist of 33.3% oranges...)
