Saturday, January 24, 2015

MeasuPro's Pulse Oximeter: A Review

Remember, though my blog is 99% skincare related, I do like to include general wellness type reviews as well... which is why I'll be reviewing MeasuPro's pulse oximeter today.

What is a pulse oximeter? A pulse oximeter not only measure your pulse, but also the oxygenated hemoglobin of your blood vessels.. in other words, it measure the amount of oxygen you're getting. One may not think this is very important, but trust me- it's super important. Anyone with a oximeter rate under 93% should consider using an oxygen take, at least until getting the pulse ox back up.

Generally, you will find pulse oximeters in medical settings, such as hospitals and clinics. If you've ever been admitted to the hospital, you probably recognize the pulse oximeter, as it's likely been used at least a few times during your stay. Maybe they even kept it on your finger for the day.  You rarely see pulse oximeters in people's homes- but I highly encourage it. In my opinion, a pulse oximeter is on the same level as a thermometer, maybe even more so. Say your loved one has trouble breathing. Clipping this on their finger will help tell you whether there oxygen level is okay, or whether you need to call an ambulance. Stat.

How do you use the pulse oximeter?

It's super easy. Like I mentioned above, you literally just place it on your finger. Turn the pulse oximeter on, then press back the oximeter until it opens, and clip it on your finger. A few general rules: Don't use it on a finger with nail polish, as this can mess up the reading. Also, try to avoid using the index finger if you can. In an ideal world, you'll be using the pulse oximeter on either your middle or ringer finger. After approximately 15 seconds, the pulse oximeter will display your pulse and oxygen rate. I'd recommend leaving it on for 30 seconds - one minute, as it may take a minute to get an accurate reading.

MeasuPro's pulse oximeter is great, because its easy to use and gives an accurate reading super quick. Also, it comes in a convenient black case and a lanyard, so you don't have to worry about losing your oximeter. You can purchase one of MeasurePro's pulse oximeters on amazon.. right now its on sale for only $34.95, which is a small price to pay for what this little device can do.

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