Sunday, January 25, 2015

All About That Hemp: A Review of Super Hemp Seeds, um.. Hemp Seed

A few years ago, everyone was obsessed with flax seed. Like, everyone. It was the latest superfood, rich in omega fats. The trouble with flax seeds? The taste is weird- almost fishy- and, since you need to ground the seed to get the benefit out of it, you can't really get away from it. Which was another really annoying thing about flax seed- you couldn't just chow down on it, but had to ensure that you ground it up first. First world problems, right?

So, then came chia seed. I haven't jumped on the chia seed market yet, but I hear its pretty rockin. I was about to enter the world of chia, until I started hearing about hemp seed and how wonderful hemp seeds are. For similar reasons to chia and flax seed, since hemp seed is also rich in the omega fatty acids. But, hemp has some other cool benefits..a lot, actually. For one, you don't need to ground it up to get the nutritional benefits. Yesssss. Two, it supposedly actually tastes good. And three- it's actually way more nutritious than chia and flax. They're high in both protein and fiber and they contain 20 essential amino acids. Here's what Super Hemp (I know, I know, the name is awful) has to say about their hemp seeds:

Super Hemp Raw Shelled Organic Hemp Seeds w/ Omega 3 & 6 (1 lb Bonus-Pack).

"They taste like sunflower seeds... only soft and buttery!"

Super Hemp Seeds contain essential Fatty Acids (alpha-linolenic & linoleic) in a balanced 3:1 ratio. High Protein Super Hempseed contains 20 amino acids and dietary fiber. Delicious buttery flavor will enhance any salad or dish.

Super Hemp is Super Good Superfood...

Super Hemp seed is considered by many nutritionists as nature's most perfect food. Super Hemp is a true superfood providing a perfect 3:1 balance of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. These fatty acids promote heart health, lower triglycerides, work to reduce inflammation, promote brain health, and support the immune system. Low in carbohydrates, hemp seeds are ideal for those following the paleo diet or who need to be carb conscious for their health.

Super Hemp also delivers a power-punch of complete proteins, making it a great addition to vegan and vegetarian diets. In fact, Super Hemp delivers 10g of easily digestable plant-based protein per 1 oz serving. Compare that to 6g protein in one large hard boiled egg.

...Super Hemp is super good in recipes, toppings or raw.
...Super Hemp contains more protein and omegas and less carbs than the same serving of Chia seeds or Flax.
...Super Hemp packs a perfectly balanced dose of both Omega 3 and Omega 6 (10g omegas per 28g serving).
...Super Hemp is RAW, shelled, USDA-certified-organic hempseeds.
...Super Hemp is Cold-processed (under 104°F) from raw, live hemp seeds.
...Super Hemp is 33% protein; rich in iron, vitamin E, and GLA (gamma-linolenic acid).
...Super Hemp is a product of Canada.

Super Hemp hulled hemp seeds have a light buttery nut-like flavor, making a nutritious and tasty addition to hot cereal and smoothies. Super Hemp blends easily into desserts, breads, pancakes, granola bars and other baked goods. Sprinkle Super Hemp on salads and blend into pilafs, but don't stop there... Super Hemp tastes great with almost everything.

Because of their high oil content, hemp seeds should be stored in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer to keep fresh.

Sounds pretty ideal. Still, I was super weirded out about trying hemp seeds in the first place. Like many other people, I associate hemp with hippies and marijuana, handmade hemp jewelry.. that kinda thing (not like there's anything wrong with any of those).

But I knew I had to try it. After all, I needed to write said review. I think the first thing that I put the hemp seeds in was soup. And it wasn't so bad. I could hardly taste the hemp and what I could taste didn't seem bad at all.

Next, I tried it in salad. Then an omelet. And then, basically anything and everything. And, guess what? I freaking love it. I love that I don't have to ground it up in my coffee grinder first. I love that I can get the hemp benefits by throwing a few seeds into whatever I'm eating. And, I actually really dig the taste. It's exactly like they say in the description- nutty and buttery.

You can get a limited "33% more free" bag of hemp seed on amazon for just $19.24. But, even better, I gots a promo code for you guys! Enter the promo code BUY4HALF when you check out to get a 50% off discount. Super decent! I'm so excited that I discovered this hemp business. I'm just about ready to throw away my almost empty bag of flax seed now... hemp for life!

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