Thursday, January 15, 2015

If it Weren't for Peppermint Oil.. A Review of Two Different Brands of Peppermint Essential Oil

Guys! It's now officially my second essential oil review! Just the other day, I talked about how excited I was to finally post a review about essential oils, which I'm obsessed with. Today is day #2, where I'll be reviewing two different brands of peppermint essential oil: the first, by Pure Body Naturals and the second by Magestic Pure Cosmeceuticals.

First and foremost, lets talk about peppermint oil and how amazing it is. Because, trust me, it is very, very amazing. Like I said about essential oil before.. this is pure oil that is extracted from the plant/fruit/herb.. in this case, peppermint.. itself. So, its potent as heck. Meaning that its uber concentrated, meaning that you don't need to use much of it to reap its benefits.

Speaking of peppermint essential oil benefits, what are they?

Ummm, like, everything. Jk. Obviously we know what peppermint smells like. It's strong and potent and.. minty?


It can help to clear our sinuses as an aromatherapy agent. I like to use this in my humidifier during the dry winter months. The room smells delicious and I can sleep better. Also, I've applied this to my skin while suffering from a sinus headache and it worked great. It also works wonders for coughs and colds.

Cramps, muscle aches, and general pains:
In addition, I love to use this for pain- nausea, stomacheaches, menstrual pain. You guys.. I had the worst cramps last week. You know, those ones that wake you out of your deep sleep? Yeah, those. I asked my boyfriend to get me my peppermint oil and applied just a bit to my stomach and lower back.. within 10-15 minutes, I was sleeping like a baby again. It was magical!


Peppermint is filled with antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, so it can be used to help reduce inflammations and infections. Heck yes!

Breath Freshener

... for real!!! Why spend all these dollaz on a tiny bottle of breath freshener when you can just use a few drops of peppermint oil that will last forever? Seriously. My old spa carried peppermint essential oil and I would use it to freshen my breath before providing face treatments- it worked great. The only problem? You seriously, seriously only need a few drops- two at best. I accidentally poured like five drops on my tongue once and, well, it was way too potent.  

Other benefits..

There are tons of other uses for peppermint oil. As an aromatherapy agent, it relieves stress and tension. It relieves itchiness and rashes. It supposedly helps with toothaches. Its even supposed to help with things like gas, liver, and gallbladder problems!

Guys, I cannot tell you enough.. get some peppermint oil. Seriously. You will use it. I promise! In so many ways.

Pure Body Naturals and Magestic Pure Cosmeceuticals both sell huge, 4 oz bottles of peppermint essential oil at a super great price! The 4 oz bottle is enormous for essential oil- almost all essential oils come in a 0.5 oz or 1 oz size.. since you only need a few drops, it lasts forever! Both come in a dark glass bottle, making it less susceptible to oxygenation. They are both therapeutic grade and both pure, undiluted, straight up peppermint oil.

The only difference here is the price. A 4 oz bottle of peppermint oil by Pure Body Naturals runs for $19.95, while a bottle by Magestic Pure Cosmeceuticals is $14.50 on amazon (plus, their label is so much cuter, no offense PBN!) So, you can decide which brand you wanna go with. They are both wonderful products that should be an essential in everyone's medicine cabinet.

PS- Peppermint oil makes for a lovely, relaxing bath.. just don't use too many drops. I nearly ruined my last bath by putting in wayyyy too much peppermint oil. 20-30 drops should suffice!

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