Monday, January 5, 2015

Kobert Waterproof Case: A Review

I know that I normally stick to health & especially skincare topics , but I also love to travel.. Exclusively to warm places on the ocean, preferably with a jungle terrain. I know that I've babbled to you guys about Mexico before. 

When I got the opportunity to review one of those waterproof cases for cameras and iPhones, you better bet that I jumped right on it. Being a certified scuba diver, I have seen some incredibly beautiful things from the underwater world, but of course, wasn't able to capture the memories on camera...until now!

To be completely honest, when I received the waterproof case I was initially super nervous, like, how am I going to find out if this works? Am I sacrificing my iphone? You see, this is why you read directions, because then I see that DUH, of course I don't have to instantly put my phone in the case to see if it works-rather, the Kobert crew suggests that you test the case by placing a dry piece of paper yowl in it and submerging the case in a pot of water for 5 minutes.. Or an hour, which is what I did. After all, each scuba diving session is more than 5 minutes. 

The case works almost like a ziploc bag- more sturdy, of course, but you basically put your camera or phone or whatever into this clear, plastic pouch, then seal it up. It comes with a long string too, so you can wear it around your wrist. 

Though I haven't used this case in the ocean yet (in January, it is nothing but cold where I am), but a super stoked to bring it on my next trip. PLUS, the case is flat and takes up pretty much zero room in one's suitcase. 

Bring it on, coral reefs and beautiful tropical fish. Finally, I can capture my Caribbean diving memories! 

You can purchase the Kobert waterproof case right here on amazon. For $12.95, that's completely effing worth it. 

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